This very delayed as we were in that massive outage of internet, phone and TV after the storms destroyed a main computer at Sudden Link.
So this was written on Live Writer on Sunday, and posted when the internet came back on, on Tuesday.
For "Scripture Sunday":
"Dear Friends,
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the speed of change in the world today? Just with technology alone, that new gadget you buy today may well be obsolete next year! So what would you think if I was to tell you that a 3,500-year-old moral code—a document literally written in stone, during a time when sandals and robes were considered the height of fashion—is not only still important, but absolutely vital for you to live by today?
A lot of people today see the 10 Commandments only as an outdated list of dos and don’ts—maybe they were a good idea once upon a time, but too much has changed in the last three millennia for something this old to still be relevant.
Well, a lot has changed in 3,500 years. People have fancier toys, nicer clothes and bigger homes—but you know what hasn’t changed?
Human nature. At the end of the day, we’re still the same old people doing the same old things. All the scientific advances and technological breakthroughs in the world can’t change what it means to be a human being.
And that’s why the 10 Commandments are still important—because they speak directly to human nature, and they answer an ancient question that the world’s greatest philosophers have argued over for thousands of years: “How do I, as a human being, interact with the human beings around me and with the Higher Power that created me?”
Be sure and check out this week’s featured article, “The 10 Commandments for Today.”
God and His way of life are not obsolete! And I hope you’ll read the new articles posted this week as well. Whether they are tackling science and the Bible (geologic dating methods) or social issues (why the Bible compares ancient civilizations to today’s world)—God has a lot to say that can really be of help to us!
Warm regards,
Clyde Kilough, Media Operation Manager
Do the 10 Commandments need to be updated—or upheld? How do the ancient laws included in the 10 Commandments apply today?"
Geologic Dating Methods: Are They Always Accurate?
"Geologists use radiometric dating methods to determine the age of strata and fossils. Are they always accurate? Does an evolutionary bias affect the dating?

When a new fossil is discovered, geologists assign a date for when they think the plant or animal lived. They normally use radiometric dating methods to date the fossil, and many promote these methods as being accurate. Yet when you look into the technical papers on these discoveries, you find that these dates are often questionable and are sometimes clearly in error.
What are radiometric dating methods?
More at:
An Amazing Fact: "In July 2011, America’s most expensive home went on the market for $175 million, surpassing previous sales of $100 million and $150 million. This home and estate in Wyoming includes a house, equestrian center, and massive acreage. Only the wealthiest in the nation could consider real estate like this!
For the time, news regarding real estate typically focused on how poorly the housing market was doing, but this piece of news was different. The cost of this estate surpassed two large mansions purchased in California, one by a billionaire investor and another by a billionaire heiress. The Wyoming property would ultimately require a special buyer. The property’s home is actually fairly modest, but the property covers more 1,750 acres and includes a large 52-stall equestrian center with an indoor and outdoor riding rink.
Since most people are more concerned with making the mortgage payment than finding the perfect mansion to fulfill our dreams, a piece of property like this is mind-boggling. We’re focused on making ends meet, not buying a million-dollar estate.
But King David reminds us in one of his psalms that earthly wealth of this sort is only temporary. “Do not be overawed when others grow rich…for they will take nothing with them when they die.” Money and property are only here for a season before they vanish, but our heavenly treasure will last forever. Keep your focus on what is eternal. Sharing the love of God with our family, friends, and those around us will have more lasting consequences than storing up earthly wealth.
For when he dieth he shall carry nothing away: his glory shall not descend after him.
- Psalms 49:17
Civil War Trivia
"The American Civil War began 153 years ago on April 12, 1861. At its end, eight percent of all white males in the States had died in the war including six percent in the North and 18 percent in the South. Slavery for the Confederacy's 3.5 million blacks effectively ended when Union armies arrived, and then formally with the Emancipation Proclamation.
Civil War deaths roughly equaled the deaths in all other U.S. wars combined."
Worth Pondering:
"From now on, ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put." --Winston Churchill
A busy week.
Jay and I got a larger table out of storage to put in my dining room. It will look better for staging the house for sale. We took the smaller table and two of the chairs to the consignment shop. Then another day we shampooed the upholstery and polished the wood on four of my eight matching dining chairs to take them to the consignment shop, and brought the other two back to clean them. Every time I go to Conroe, I try to take a load to that shop.
On Tuesday, BabyGirl my foster dog, started acting ill, and when she didn't eat her breakfast I knew something was wrong. I took her to the vet expecting a diagnosis of a bladder infection, but was told that she would have to stay at the vet hospital and have emergency surgery. She had stump pyometra, which is when someone who did her spay surgery didn't do a good job all those years ago. She couldn't even be moved to the other vet clinic where we usually have our neutering done, or the infected stump could have burst. She is back home with me, on antibiotics and probiotics, and doing well now.
Ray is still gone on the out of town job, but his outside cat, Buddy, has been living in my grooming room for over a week now. He was supposed to get fixed last Tuesday, but it was postponed for a week. Buddy is thoroughly enjoying all the attention and laying back in the air conditioning watching Animal Planet! (It is now Tuesday, and Buddy is having his surgery.)
Ray called me and said that he would be back on Saturday night, but he didn't show up. Ray's son who lives next door to me came frantically ringing my doorbell, saying that he was out of food and meds, so I have been feeding him, and will take him to get his meds. We are both worried about Ray. (Tues: Ray still hasn't come home)
Why do they have it so cold in the stores? I should have gone back to the van and got a scarf and jacket the other day when I was at Kroger's. They must have wanted to hang meat in the aisles it was so cold. The chilly draft went in one ear and out the other, as there is nothing to stop it! Anyway, it gave me a head cold and cough. Another place that is always so cold, is the church. Surely they can see people putting on jackets and sweaters, so they must know that it is too cold in there. Why would anyone want to waste electricity like that, I don't know.
The Bible readings were Lev.12:1-16:33, 2 Kings 7:1-20 and Mark 9:14. The Teaching was about Spiritual Desire.
We had some terrible storms go through here this weekend, and the high winds bent some of the poles on my canopy carport. Even the dog was worried, and nothing phases her. Jay and I took the bent poles down, one by one, put them in another pole which we anchored in the square bumper of the travel trailer to bend them straight again, re-leveled (plumbed, really) them and put the canopy back together again. Not quite like new, though you'd never notice it.
Our TV, phone and internet have all been out since the storm. My daughter texted me on my cell to tell the terrible news that Phyllis posted on FaceBook about her daughter being on Life Support. I called Arlene so she could tell me what she knew, and then she called me again today, Tuesday, to tell me the heartbreaking news that Carol was gone. She couldn't take the loss of her son. So tragic. My heart goes out to the family, they have been through so much.
I won't be able to post this until we have internet, hopefully later today, Sunday.
It wasn't back on until late afternoon Tuesday.